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Bible Code Display Matrix Style Choices

Choose Your PictureStyleWhen you Place your Order

Classic Old City of Jerusalem (Default)

4 search matrix.jpg
Basic P

Jerusalem Night

Jerusalem Night Display Bible Code Matri

Standard Package $40

Includes the verses of the Torah (Five Books of Moses) that manifest your name.

What you will receive


 All features of the Basic Package, plus 1 additional item of your search data (like name of spouse or year of your birth). 

In addition, you will receive details for each letter including its order, position, word number,  chapter & verse number, skip number.

The full verse where each letter is found in English and Hebrew.

Header Alef.jpg

Color Code Key of Search Item Data

2 search code key pic.jpg

Contemporary Tel Aviv Life

Contemporary Matrix sample Tel Aviv pic.

Space Bible Code Matrix

Space Display Bible Code Matrix Sample p
Standard P
Advanced P Anchor
Deluxe P Anchor
BCS Anchor

Western Prayer Wall

Kotel Display Bible Code Matrix Sample p
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